01438 352863  I  admin@clitherow.herts.sch.uk

St Margaret Clitherow

RC Primary School, Stevenage

Jesus is our guide, let us follow him

Our Learning / Design Technology

Design and Technology (DT) at St. Margaret Clitherow School

At St.Margaret Clitherow we aim to provide the children with a high-quality DT curriculum which allows them to exercise their creativity through designing and making. The children are taught to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding to design and make a product. Skills are taught progressively to ensure that all children can learn and practice to develop as they move through the school. Evaluation is an integral part of the design process and allows children to adapt and improve their product, this isa key skill which they need throughout their life. DT allows children to apply the knowledge and skills learned in other subjects, particularly Maths, Science and Art.

Children’s interests are captured through theme learning, ensuring that links are made in a cross curricular way, giving children motivation, and meaning for their learning. Children will learn basic cooking skills.

How is our curriculum delivered?

All teaching of DT follows the design, make, and evaluate cycle. Each stage is rooted in technical knowledge and vocabulary. The design process is rooted in real life, relevant contexts to give meaning to the children’s learning. While making, children are given choice and range of tools to select from. To evaluate, children should be able to evaluate their own products against a design criteria. Each of the stages are given equal weight. The programme we use to support our learning provides a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. The children enjoy a DT lesson once a week during three half-terms a year, on rotation with their Art learning. This ensures our children have the time and space to study each topic in depth over a half-term.  

The key skills the children learn are:

Design Technology Learning

Please scroll through the gallery below for a flavour of Design Technology learning at our school

How can I help at home?

DT can be found all around you at home and when out and about.

The key skills the children learn are: