01438 352863  I  admin@clitherow.herts.sch.uk

St Margaret Clitherow

RC Primary School, Stevenage

Jesus is our guide, let us follow him

Our Governing Body

Governor Welcome

The Governing Body work in partnership with the Headteacher to ensure that the best possible all-round education is being provided for all the children in a high quality learning environment, making the most effective use of the resources available to the school and in compliance with all statutory regulations and procedures.

Ofsted said in March 2013...
"Governors provide excellent levels of support and challenge and together with senior leaders, make sure that the school meets all national requirements for children's education"

The Governing Body is composed of governors drawn to reflect the different constituents of the school:

  • Seven foundation governors, appointed by the Diocese of Westminster;

  • Two parent governors, elected by other parents at the school;

  • One staff governor, elected by colleagues;

  • The Headteacher;

  • Associate governors;

  • One Local Authority Governor;

Governor Members

Foundation Governor / Chair of Governors
Sally Curtis

Carmela Puccio

Foundation Governor / Vice Chair
Hayley Merry

Foundation Governor
Ursula Dike

Foundation Governor
Elizabeth King

Foundation Governor
Savio Luis

Foundation Governor
Marie Stewart

Foundation Governor

Parent Governor
Godfrey Nooha

Parent Governor
Shiana Monteiro

Staff governor
Ryan Moore

Associate Governors
Andrew Peck & Amy Coleman

Local Authority Governor
Steve Davidson

Please view below Our Governors and their Roles


Admission Committee
Carmela Puccio
Sally Curtis
Hayley Merry
Savio Luis
Elizabeth King
Ursula Dike (Chair)

Curriculum Committee
Carmela Puccio
Amy Coleman
Hayley Merry (Chair)
Sally Curtis
Ryan Moore
Andrew Peck
Elizabeth King
Shiana Monteiro

Finance & Personnel Committee
Carmela Puccio
Sally Curtis
Hayley Merry
Savio Luis
Elizabeth King (Chair)

Health, Safety & Premises Committee
Carmela Puccio
Sally Curtis
Savio Luis (Chair)
Paul Ryan (Staff)
Ursula Dike
Amy Coleman

Dates & Minutes of Meetings

Full Governing Body Meetings
11th September 2024
27th November 2024
19th March 2025
9th July 2025

Admission Committee Meetings
18th September 2024
27th November 2024
22nd January 2025

Curriculum Committee Meetings
25th September 2024
13th November 2024
22nd January 2025
21st May 2025

Finance & Personnel Meetings
2nd October 2024
5th February 2025
23rd April 2025
25th June 2025

Health, Safety & Premises Meetings
2nd October 2024
5th February 2025
25th June 2025

Previous Full Governing Body Meetings

Please contact the school office if you wish to view previous Governing Body minutes.

Attendance at Governing Body Meetings

The Governing Body work in partnership with the Headteacher to ensure that the best possible all-round education is being provided for all the children in a high quality learning environment, making the most effective use of the resources available to the school and in compliance with all statutory regulations and procedures. The governors have a strategic role holding the school to account for overall standards and acting as "critical friends" by offering encouragement and support.

Governors participate in termly committee and Full Governing Body meetings.

Ofsted said in March 2013 ...
"Governors provide excellent levels of support and challenge and together with senior leaders, make sure that the school meets all national requirements for children's education"

Please click here to see Governors' attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings